Find a spot vessel – any type, any size is an intuitive workboat availability platform to expand and shrink your
operations at will. Make an enquiry now!

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Spot. Click. Match.
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No learning curve: search, connect and negotiate
Whether you are searching for a spot vessel, offering one, or both, you can connect in a few clicks.

View fit-for-purpose vessels in your region
Access the Nauticworx database to view nearby vessels at short notice.

Connect with suppliers; no unwanted offerings
Connect with ship owners only when you’re ready. Nauticworx stands for validated content and suppliers.

Clear cost: fixed rates come standard
Nauticworx is not involved your negotiations.
We are here to help you find assets quickly
With a combined 50+ years of global maritime experience we know
what it means to find the right vessel for a project.

Get to know us
Having built, bought and serviced vessels for decades, our founders have seen all sides of the business – and understand its challenges. Feeling there was a better, faster way to bring (urgent) supply and demand together, Nauticworx was born to make it easy for you to charter or offer a vessel.

You need a workboat. We make it happen.
Focus on your project. We match it with the right charter.